#MHAMBC Migraine & Headache Awareness Month #26: Men in Black: Migraine Neuralizer: How do you cope with the way Migraine/Headache Disorder can impact our memories?

June Migraine awareness month

I am constantly struggling with memory issues. I even went so far as to as my Neurologist if I was going senile, or early Dementia or worse Alzheimer’s because I cannot remember from one minute to the next. And also having Fibromyalgia on top of Chronic Migraine Disease I get the double whammy of Brain Farts I call them.

It has made a huge impact on my life for the worse! I have turned on the kitchen faucet and walked away to come back to a sink overflowing because I forgot I had the sink filling-and in such a short amount of time. I’d put food on the grill and make something inside and forget about the grill completely until much later-crispy chicken jerky later, slightly charred. I’ve burnt stuff left and right, which is not the normal me.

Of course everyone gets to that stage where you “normally” forget things, but it’s been running more rampant and on a day to day hour to hour basis it seems. I’m always forgetting where I put my cell phone and spend several minutes looking for it. I do the same with my glasses, if I take them off it takes quite a while to find them again. I’ll set down my water glass as I’m always chugging down water and forget where I put it. I set alarms on my cell phone for when to take medications, and even have a chart on the cabinet door, but if I turn off my alarm and get slightly distracted I forget about my meds and end up taking them late and not on schedule. I get so angry with myself. My spouse and daughter get more aggravated with me and I’ve explained to them many, many times that on top of these Brain Farts that come with these diseases, it’s also a side effect from some of the medication.

I lost count of how many lectures I get about how I forgot to do this and that. I just sit or stand and wait for them to finish and then I have to remind them I have no control over it. I wish I did, but I don’t, and that is a depressing and stressful part of this condition. I have also forgot to pay bills. Not normal for me at all. And then I write checks from the WRONG bank, in which the account was closed-don’t ask me why those checks were still around but they were. That mess is fixed at least.

But I would give anything to get my memory back and make it better. If only there was a way short of finding a cure for this horrible disease. Then I can toss all these rotten pills and injections and would not have to see so many doctors and clinics. In my dreams for now.

Learn more about the MHAM Blog Challenge and 

Other MHAM events by visiting:

2013 Migraine & Headache Awareness Month Information Page

June, Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, is dedicated to Unmasking the Mystery of Chronic Headache Disorders. The Migraine and Headache Awareness Month Blog Challenge is issued by FightingHeadacheDisorders.com.

#MHAMBC Migraine & Headache Awareness Month #25: Lincoln: Who’s your favorite historical figure who lived with Migraine/Headache Disorder?

June Migraine awareness month

I would have to say my favorite historical figure is Charles Dodgson, who went by the pen name: Lewis Carroll.   who wrote “Alice in Wonderland” and “Through the Looking Glass“. It is amazing all the historical figures in our past and present who suffer from Migraine Disease can be as influential and popular as they are and all they accomplished: http://www.migravent.com/blog/migraines/top-30-most-famous-migraine-sufferers/

He was very well educated and won many academic awards through his schooling. He was born to a Clergyman and raised in the rectory. He was the eldest of 11 children.  He had a stutter but would be able to communicate with children fluently, so he targeted that audience with his most famous book “Alice in Wonderland” and in doing so put some of his Migraine Aura‘s to use with the characters that he came up with during his era. He was born in 1832 in Daresbury, England. He died in 1898  Guildford, England; http://www.biography.com/people/lewis-carroll-9239598

Carroll did keep a diary and mentioned some of what he called hallucinations and often complained about the vision in his right eye. He did seek professional treatment for it and was told to not read as much and keep by a bright light to reduce eye strain. But there are striking similarities to what Migraine Sufferers do experience during the Aura stage that proceeds the pain: http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(05)74368-3/fulltext

Since I have always loved to read and love books I had to pick Lewis Carroll out of many famous Migraine Sufferers. He was a talented writer that took a disease and made it to his advantage and he still lives on in his books.

Learn more about the MHAM Blog Challenge and 

Other MHAM events by visiting:

2013 Migraine & Headache Awareness Month Information Page

June, Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, is dedicated to Unmasking the Mystery of Chronic Headache Disorders. The Migraine and Headache Awareness Month Blog Challenge is issued by FightingHeadacheDisorders.com.

36 Million Migraine Campaign – Mayo Clinic & American Migraine Foundation

playing in water


Finally, today the Mayo Clinic and The American Migraine Foundation, with the support of Mrs. Cindy McCain, a long-time Chronic Migraine Sufferer, are launching the 36 Million Migraine Campaign. FINALLY a voice is being given to Chronic Migraine Sufferers and public awareness and education in the forefront as well as funding for more research. This made me so happy when I watched the Today Show and saw Mrs. McCain being interviewed for this campaign launch-if I knew how to do cartwheels I would be doing them right now!

Check out the links




Sending you all Blessings, Love and Support. Have a great day!! Julie

#MHAMBC Migraine & Headache Awareness Month #23: Bruce Almighty: How does spirituality and/or religion help you cope?

June Migraine awareness month

I was not raised in a quote “Religion” but I was raised w/Christian beliefs and morals. My dad was a Baptist and my mom was a Catholic. They were not in favor of each religion stating they were the “only” religion and one was better than the other-or the age-old belief “If you don’t believe in the way we do your destined for Hell“.

I am a Christian and was Baptized later in life, but I am non-denominational. I do not preach any particular religion is the “be all” and “end all”. I believe that as long as you believe in God, profess your belief, read the bible and practice in a loving Christian matter then you have nothing to fear.

I use prayer a lot when suffering with chronic pain. But I also Meditate as well, as was taught to me by my Therapist and by a former Chiropractor I had seen years ago who is no longer in this area 😦  There are quote “Christians” or other “Religions” that frown on Meditation saying it’s not practicing the Christian Faith. I brush that off as ignorance and often brain-washing, as when people are brought up in certain “Religions” they are repeatedly told what they are supposed to believe in and what they are not and they are not given free will to choose their own way and they refuse to see any way but their way. I think that is so wrong!

But I will look up verses, read them, repeat them and pray. Then I will use Meditation to try to make it through the pain-sometimes I will silently chant a favorite verse over and over and focus on the meaning of it, and other times I will use visualization instead. But I do think that one is entitled to their own beliefs and thought process and I will not bash those who don’t believe the way I do.

But I do think that using these methods is not wrong and I believe that whatever helps someone cope and make it through the pain is a must-needed component to this Chronic Disease. You need something to give you guidance. And I do often send out prayers to those in my support groups who are suffering so and I offer up prayer for them, as well as in Bible Study Group. I do think prayer is important and how you practice it is up to you-each individual.

Blessings to you all.

Learn more about the MHAM Blog Challenge and 

Other MHAM events by visiting:

2013 Migraine & Headache Awareness Month Information Page

June, Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, is dedicated to Unmasking the Mystery of Chronic Headache Disorders. The Migraine and Headache Awareness Month Blog Challenge is issued by FightingHeadacheDisorders.com.

Negativity: Migraine Disease Bashers: Invisible Chronic Illness Community is adding to Stigma

blue face of depression

It saddens me to think that everyone that is in the Invisible Chronic Illness Community, that includes Chronic Migraine Disease as well, do not band together to get the true issue out about what is fact and fiction when it comes to someone from the outside touting that “alternative” therapies are the “only” treatment for a known Neurological and Genetic Disease of Migraines. I have struggled with this disease for over 25 years and have tons of research as I’ve had to in many cases be an educator for my Neurologists and PCP‘s as they still as of today don’t have a clue as to what is going on with Migraines. Many doctors do not get skilled teaching on Migraine Disease as it is such a complex Disease requiring a lot of time, effort and research. And there are many different types of Migraines as well, so to get correctly diagnosed and treated properly can take years. There is no “one size fits all” diagnosis or protocol for any one patient. But the fact remains clear, those who do suffer Chronic Migraine Disease do need pharmaceutical intervention in ADDITION to alternative to make a well-rounded approach to the care of everyone who suffers from this terrible disease.

No one ever once stated that Aromatherapy was not a good treatment. It was only pointed out that when a “sales person” was promoting a product she sells as the “only” solution was where the problem began. And again, I cannot stress it enough, as with any other chronic disease or illness there is NO one size fits all answer and there are more pieces to the puzzle than just essential oils. I have on some of my past blogs where I have noted I use alternative treatments as well. We all do. But it’s part of the “complete” regimen and does not replace medical care as this person professes.

ALL of us, myself included, do practice healthy living-eating right, avoiding dietary triggers, exercise, physical therapy, massage therapy, cognitive therapy, Chiropractic, Acupressure, Acupuncture, Bio-Feedback-to name a few. We all have tried and do use aromatherapy when it’s tolerated. We all have tried and use different muscle rubs on the head, temples, neck and scalp to help reduce pain-those are alternative therapies, as is using ice packs, heating pads, bed of nails mat, Chillo‘s, cooling patches-all again are alternative therapies-we all do anything and everything possible to try to stop the pain. But we use all these things in ADDITION to preventive RX medication and RX abortive medications prescribed by a qualified physician. Everyone I have come across, and myself included, have tried just about every alternative therapy known and then some, as well as trying all types of medications to try to manage, stall and abort a Migraine Attack. When all approaches fail we often have to resort to emergency intervention, be it the dreaded ER or to get into an infusion center, or have our doctor call in a cycle-buster. I am not a lazy, incompetent, self-serving, attention seeking Migraine Disease Sufferer. I have fought and battled this beast for many years and will continue to do so. I have spoken out in the past when approached with a Stigmatizing statement and will continue to do so. If someone reading this doesn’t like it then it’s your problem, not mine. I will continue to investigate, research and blog on what is medically sound information. If you don’t agree you can offer your own Medical and Scientific research to dispute that.

It is nice to be able to go into support groups and be supported for a Chronic Disease. People always have opinions that differ, but that does not mean people have to be mean, nasty, hateful and disagreeable. Especially when someone is SUPPORTING the cause, not fighting against it. This part I do not understand and never will. All Chronic Disease have a Neurological factor. They just don’t appear out of thin air for no rhyme nor reason. Like cancer, we know some forms are genetic. Is anyone going to dispute that as well and say the “only” way to cure it is with aromatherapy. While it may soothe it cannot and will not banish those nasty cancer cells. For that you need trained medical intervention. The same with Migraine Disease, Fibromyalgia, Lupus and many more diseases. If you’re not being treated correctly you need to shop for another doctor who will. You just don’t sit there and settle and not try to get better. You have to fight with all your might and all your worth.

We also know that it is neurological and it is genetic. I can paste the webpages yet again from well-known institutions that support this fact. But again this is all getting to be so repetitive. If you cannot support the correct education of what this disease is then you should not promote anything. I’m for the truth, will remain truthful and tell nothing but the truth. Some people cannot understand that concept but that is what I’m about.

In closing I’d like to wish all of you-Chronic Illness Community and all those who do and do not agree, a low pain day and sending you Blessings to you all as I do not wish to be a disagreeable person. I just merely want to present the facts and share the truth in this Disease. I do not lead people astray.


#MHAMBC Migraine & Headache Awareness Month #21: Oblivion

June Migraine awareness month

First one must ask what is the definition of Oblivion. Webster Dictionary states this:

1. the fact or condition of forgetting or having forgotten; especially   : the condition of being oblivious

2: the condition or state of being forgotten or unknown

When it comes to the education and awareness of Migraine Disease I’m going with the meaning of the unknown-being Oblivious.

The public in general see’s Migraine Disease as “just a headache” when in fact it is so much more than that. It is a Genetic and Neurological Disease. http://www.ninds.nih.gov/disorders/migraine/migraine.htm

It is in the classification of Headache Disorders but it is more complex and hard to diagnose as there are so many different types of Migraines:

Types of Migraine: from the International Headache Society’s International Classification of Headache Disorders, 2nd Edition:

1.1 Migraine without aura

1.2 Migraine with aura

1.2.1 Typical aura with migraine headache

1.2.2 Typical aura with non-migraine headache

1.2.3 Typical aura without headache

1.2.4 Familial hemiplegic migraine (FHM)

1.2.5 Sporadic hemiplegic migraine

1.2.6 Basilar-type migraine

1.3 Childhood periodic syndromes that are commonly precursors of migraine

1.3.1 Cyclical vomiting

1.3.2 Abdominal migraine

1.3.3 Benign paroxysmal vertigo of childhood

1.4 Retinal migraine 1.5 Complications of migraine

1.5.1 Chronic migraine

1.5.2 Status migrainosus

1.5.3 Persistent aura without infarction

1.5.4 Migrainous infarction

1.5.5 Migraine-triggered seizures

1.6 Probable migraine

1.6.1 Probable migraine without aura

1.6.2 Probable migraine with aura

1.6.5 Probable chronic migraine

 Old school thinking was that Migraines were vascular and cause inflammation. That is far from the truth. After years of research and study they have concluded that Migraines are Neurological and Genetic. In fact Migraines can be life threatening and lead to stroke or death if not treated in time: http://health.usnews.com/health-news/news/articles/2013/01/15/migraine-with-aura-may-raise-risk-of-heart-trouble
But yet people are Oblivious to this scientific backed information. A “regular” Headache cannot give you a stroke or kill you. And the fact it’s Neurological also bears fact that a Migraine attacks the WHOLE body and not just the head. Head pain is only ONE out of many symptoms of a Migraine Attack:

A “regular” headache doesn’t cause any of the above symptoms. A Migraine sufferer will experience many of those symptoms and maybe more. The whole person as a whole is under attack. And yet the public continues to stay in their Oblivion to this Disease. Those who are not privileged to suffer the regular old run-of-the mill “headaches” are not bombarded with an overwhelming menu  of Preventive Medications to try to control the disability that comes with Migraine Disease:

ANTIHYPERTENSIVES (blood pressure meds) Alpha-2 agonists:

  • Clonidine, aka Catapres
  • Guanfacine, aka Tenex

ACE Inhibitors:

  • Benazepril, aka Lotensin
  • Captopril, aka Capoten
  • Enalapril, aka Vasotec
  • Fosinopril, aka Monopril
  • Lisinopril, aka Zestril, Prinivil
  • Moexipril, aka Univasc
  • Perindopril, aka Aceon
  • Quinapril, aka Accupril
  • Ramipril, aka Altace
  • Trandolapril, aka Mavik

Angiotensin II Inhibitors:

  • Candesartan, aka Atacand
  • Eprosartan, aka Teveten
  • Irbesartan, aka Avapro
  • Losartan, aka Cozaar
  • Olmesartan, aka Benicar
  • Telmisartan, aka Midcardis
  • Valsartan, aka Diovan

Beta Blockers:

  • Acebutolol, aka Secral
  • Atenolol, aka Tenormin
  • Betaxolol, aka Kerlone
  • Bisoprolol, aka Zebeta, Emconcor
  • Cartelol, aka Cartrol
  • Labetalol, aka Normodyne, Trandate
  • Metoprolol, aka Lopressor
  • Nadolol, aka Corgard
  • Penbutololm aka Levatol
  • Pindolol, aka Visken, Syn-Pindolol
  • Propranolol, aka Inderal
  • Timolol, aka Blocadren

Calcium Channel Blockers:

  • Amlodipine, aka Norvasc
  • Bepridil, aka Vascor
  • Diltiazem, aka Cardizem, Tiazac
  • Felodipine, aka Plendil
  • Flunarizine, aka Sibelium (Canada)
  • Isradipine, aka DynaCirc
  • Nicardipine, aka Cardene
  • Nifedipine, aka Adalat, Procardia
  • Nimodipine, aka Nimotop
  • Nisoldipine, aka Sular
  • Verapamil, aka Calan, Verelan, Isoptin

Other Antihypertensives:

  • Guanfacine, aka Tenex
  • Mirtazapine, aka Remeron


  • Cyproheptadine, aka Periactin
  • Pizotifen, aka Sandomigran (UK)
  • Benadryl

ANTIDEPRESSANTS Tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs):

  • Amitriptyline, aka Elavil (discontinued), Endep
  • Amoxapine, aka Asendin
  • Clomipramine, aka, Anafranil
  • Desipramine, aka Norpramin
  • Doxepin, aka Sinequan
  • Imipramine, aka Norfranil, Tofranil
  • Nortriptyline, aka Pamelor, Aventyl
  • Protriptyline, aka Vivactil
  • Trimipramine, aka Surmontil

MAOI Antidepressants:

  • Isocarboxazid, aka Marplan
  • Phenelzine, aka Nardil
  • Tranylcypromine, aka Parnate

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs):

  • Citalopram, aka Celexa
  • Escitalopram oxalate, aka Lexapro
  • Fluoxetine, aka Prozac
  • Fluvoxamine, aka Luvox
  • Paroxetine, aka Paxil
  • Protriptyline, aka Vivactil
  • Sertraline, aka Zoloft

Selective serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SSNRIs):

  • Duloxetine hydrochloride, aka Cymbalta

Other Antidepressants:

  • Bupropion, aka Wellbutrin, Zyban
  • Mirtazepine, aka Remeron
  • Trazodone, aka Desyrel
  • Venlafaxine, aka Effexor, Effexor XR

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Meds Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor:

  • Atomoxetine HCl, aka Strattera

ARTHRITIS MEDS Cox-2 Enzyme Inhibitors:

  • Celecoxib, aka Celebrex


  • Carbamazepine, aka Tegretol
  • Clonazepam, Klonopin
  • Clorazepate, aka Tranxene
  • Divalproex, aka Depakote
  • Gabapentin, aka Neurontin
  • Levetiracetam, Keppra
  • Lamotrigine, aka Lamictal
  • Oxcarbazepine, Trileptal
  • Pregabalin, aka Lyrica
  • Tiagabine, aka Gabitril
  • Topiramate, aka Topamax
  • Valproate Sodium, aka Depacon
  • Zonisamide, aka Zonegran

Ergot Alkaloid:

  • Methylergonovine, aka Methergine (the only ergot used as a preventive)

Leukotriene Blockers:

  • Montelukast, aka Singulair
  • Zafirlukast, aka Accolate
  • Zyleuton, aka Zyflo


  • Baclofen, aka Lioresal
  • Botulinum Toxin Type A, aka Botox

Medication for Alzheimer’s Type Dementia:

  • Memantine, aka Namenda

A person who suffers the occasional standard headache would not be prescribed any of the above preventives nor the following array of Abortive Medications:

Analgesic Agents:

  • acetaminophen (APAP).
  • aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid, ASA), which can be used alone or in combination.
  • NSAIDs.


  • butalbital

Ergot alkaloids:

  • cafergot
  • Migranal
  • DHE
  • Sprix


Muscle Relaxers:

  • baclofen (Lioresal)
  • cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril, Flexmid, Amrix)
  • Orphenadrine citrate (Norflex)
  • Tizanidine (Zanaflex)
  • carisoprodol (Soma)
  • chlorzoxazone (Parafon Forte DSC, Lorzone)
  • diazepam (Valium)
  • metaxalone (Skelaxin)

These medication lists are just a sampling and are reserved for those who suffer Chronic Migraine Disease who cannot get relief from OTC Medications used for regular headaches. More medications that are not marketed for Migraine Prevention and Abortive Treatment are being tried on a daily basis. I don’t think they can even compile a complete lists because doctors everywhere are trying other medications out of desperation.  Now some Migraine Patients have been advised they can utilize OTC WITH their medication regimen but it doesn’t take the place of. We use other “alternative therapies” along with our prescribed medications to help with our own care, but not take the place of regular Medical Care.

But yet the public still remains Oblivious to the chronic suffering of Chronic Migraine Sufferers. They prefer to see them as “drug seekers” “whiners” “complainers” “attention seekers” even going to the point of telling us it’s “all in our heads” “we’re making it worse than it really is” “get out and do something and you’ll feel better” “it cannot be that bad” or my favorite “can’t you just take a pill for that”. Even some in the medical profession still do not take Migraine Disease as a legitimate Disabling Neurological Disorder and will treat patients who come to the ER’s for emergency treatment. These patients in desperation are turned away, again labeled as “drug seekers” and treated with contempt. They too remain Oblivious even though there is more proof it is a “REAL” disease. And yes, it can prove fatal to some who can get no help for their chronic condition, who can not get relief from the relentless pain, and they will tragically take their own lives to escape the ridicule, disdain, mistreatment, mismanagement and isolation: http://www.puttingourheadstogether.com/2013/06/dont-tell-me-migraines-dont-kill.html


We are isolated because the world, the public, continue to be Oblivious to our plight. The Stigma of Migraine Disease is too real, too prevalent and needs to be erased from our society: http://www.helpforheadaches.com/articles/2010/Migraine_Stigma_AHS10.htm

Enough is enough. People, stop being Oblivious and open your eyes. Become educated to the plight of Chronic Migraine Disease. Don’t walk around in Oblivion to the plight of those who are suffering and need support.



Learn more about the MHAM Blog Challenge and 

Other MHAM events by visiting:

2013 Migraine & Headache Awareness Month Information Page

June, Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, is dedicated to Unmasking the Mystery of Chronic Headache Disorders. The Migraine and Headache Awareness Month Blog Challenge is issued by FightingHeadacheDisorders.com.









it has been brought to our attention that a twitter account has been making accusations that Chronic Migraine Disease is “not” a neurological disorder when in fact it has been confirmed that not only is it, but it’s also genetic and is more than “just” a run of the mill typical headache. This person has enraged several on the CMA community and her claims need to be put to a stop. We have tweeted her and you can pick up on the conversation if you follow me @jgs350 as the bulk of the conversation has been posted today  6-21-13. For legality purposes I cannot post her website or her twitter handle, but if you follow mine you can find it if she has not deleted it. But she has directed a few migraine sufferers to her site which only promotes “beauty” products to stop aging after the age of 40???? How is this to help Migraine Disease? But then she said it was NOT a Neurological disorder, and when confronted what she knows about CMA she would not respond.

Some people use alternative therapies in ADDITION to their medically prescribed preventive and abortive medications. Alternative therapies alone are not a cure for Chronic Migraine Disease.

I hope you do have the chance to go on Twitter and check it out and bombard her with the correct medical information on what Chronic Migraine Disease really is. People like this, selling snake oil and putting the name of Migraine to it has got to stop. I know a lot of people in the CMA community will respond appropriately.  People like this have got to be stopped. They add to the stigma of Migraine Disease. It’s not Inflammation, it’s neurological. People like this really bring out the anger in us true sufferers and due to the recent tragic loss of a CMA member we cannot let this continue.



#MHAMBC Migraine & Headache Awareness Month #20: Star Trek: Generations: What role do Migraine/Headache Disorders play in your family history? Do others live with it? Does this make a difference in how you talk about it?

June Migraine awareness month

Star Trek: Generations: What role do Migraine/Headache Disorders play
in your family history? Do others live with it? Does this make a difference in
how you talk about it?

I have inherited the genetic makeup from my parents for Migraine Disease. My dad had them when he was young, before his teen years, but in that age they called them “Sick Headaches“. He would get the horrible pain in the head and sick at his stomach. He said after he would throw up he’d start to feel better and slowly it would fade away and be gone the next day. He said he stopped having them when he became a teen. My mother developed Migraines during her Pre-Menopause and during Menopause stage of life. She started early in her mid to late 40’s. I do remember going over to visit (I had moved out then as I was married in ’82) and she’d be in a dark room we called The Den with wet wash cloths, ice pack and at that time the only thing they prescribed for her head pain was Darvocet. It didn’t work very well for her and sometimes she would get very nauseated and they didn’t give her anything for it. My sister was still home at the time as she is 9 years younger that I am so she witnessed the brunt of it. But it would take my mom a couple of days to fully recover. They didn’t have any information back then on Migraine Preventive, Triggers or Abortive Medication. I started doing some research on my own at that time and they were slowly coming out with possible food triggers and at that time they were only reporting Nitrates and starting to uncover MSG. We would have heated debates over what I told her she could not eat and she would refuse to give up those foods stating “I’ve eaten them all my life and never gave me trouble so why now”? I remember being so frustrated and after a few head-to-head disagreements I gave up. There was no getting through to her. But I did not know I was gathering info that I would later have to use at that time.

My sister started getting Migraines in her teenage years. She was just like mom at the time-would not give up her favorite foods. My family stubbornness runs deep and hard to break sometimes. She still gets them from time to time and I’ve heard her horror stories of trips to the ER for intervention and I vowed I would NEVER go to an ER and be treated that way! I started getting Episodic Migraines in the mid to late 80’s, exact year I’m unsure. It was a couple of years I believe after the birth of my only child in ’85. My 1st one I remember I felt like I was dying, rolling around on the bathroom floor near the toilet. Pure agony and the only thing I had was Excederin. Didn’t touch the pain! Tried Tylenol. Nope, didn’t work either. My parents having experienced them 1st hand and knew the agony I was in-well my dad hopped into the car and drove me over some of my mom’s Darvocet. I know it’s a no-no to share medication but I was so desperate.

A little while after that is when Imitrex 1st came out. Of course my PCP gave me an RX for it and of course as it was a new drug the insurance would not cover it as I found out when I filled it so I had to pay full price for 9 pills. I remember vividly at K-Mart Pharmacy in Niles squeaking out loud to the pharmacy tech ringing up my bill “what, $175.00 are you flipping nuts”???? I was over a barrel and had no choice and paid for it. I think at that point I was debating which is worse-the money or the head pain? I was very stingy with those pills and took them as a last resort, which was not a good idea. But they were just too expensive and could only get them filled once a month. Yep even back then the insurance had limits on what you can fill monthly. In 2010 I became Chronic having Migraines daily at what is now considered my “norm” of a level 5 and I take my abortive med when the pain escalates at least 2 times a week to a 8-9 and sometimes 10. When it’s gotten so bad and nothing will touch it I have gone to the spare bedroom or bathroom and laid on the floor rolling and crying in pain as I still refuse to go to the ER. Just earlier this month for the 1st time I called my Neuro after hours emergency phone number on a Thursday. Never got help after many , many calls until that following Monday when they called me to admit me into the infusion center. The migraine was still raging and I went, but I’m shopping for a new doctor. What kind of doctor would leave a message with his phone service that he will not accept calls on a Friday for Migraine Emergencies when he specializes in Migraines? Go figure.

Things have come a long way since then but the cost of the medications are higher, there is still a really bad Stigma about Migraine as a legitimate disease. Some doctors are still not educated in Headache and Migraine Disorders. Patients still have to research online for alternative treatments, medication options and medical procedures to take to their doctor. More information is available online as they are slowly learning more about this horrible disease. But we need to get the word out about how debilitating this disease is and how many people it affects and get the Stigma taken away from it. It’s not “all in our heads” and it won’t just go away with a OTC med in a majority of cases. It’s a neurological disease that affects the WHOLE body.

Learn more about the MHAM Blog Challenge and 

Other MHAM events by visiting:

2013 Migraine & Headache Awareness Month Information Page

June, Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, is dedicated to Unmasking the Mystery of Chronic Headache Disorders. The Migraine and Headache Awareness Month Blog Challenge is issued by FightingHeadacheDisorders.com.

#MHAMBC Migraine & Headache Awareness Month #17: What feels like Mission Impossible in your life given the constraints of Migraine and Headache Disorders?

June Migraine awareness month

I really regret the fact that I am not able to work full time, or even part time. I feel like the weakest link unable to contribute financially like I use to. As it is now can just barely make it month to month even receiving SSD monthly benefits, which is a far cry from what I use to earn. Trying to learn how to adjust the last couple of years has been hard. And extra’s have come to a standstill while medical bills take the forefront and that too makes me feel like a burden. The costs of medications, even co-pays adds up each month and also takes a toll.

Taking time to go to the doctor and if I’m not up to driving, I have to have someone else take me so that I’m not a hazard on the road, and that too makes me feel like a burden. Not being able to do the extra things I use to do, like grocery shopping and running errands seems like it was someone else’s life I was living, as it’s a far cry to what I live like now. I use to like being out and about with people, but now crowds give me a panic attack. Also if I drive myself and get astray from my original path, like a detour due to road construction, can set me into a panic attack.

I feel very immobilized and more of a burden than an asset. I try to not let it get me down and for the most part I can control it. Other times when the pain is at it’s worse, its hard to keep those emotions under control, and at times like that I have a meltdown. But I deal with it the best I can and ask for help from my support system when it gets to be too much. That is all anyone can do when dealing with a Chronic Pain Disorder like Chronic Migraine Disease.

Learn more about the MHAM Blog Challenge and 

Other MHAM events by visiting:

2013 Migraine & Headache Awareness Month Information Page

June, Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, is dedicated to Unmasking the Mystery of Chronic Headache Disorders. The Migraine and Headache Awareness Month Blog Challenge is issued by FightingHeadacheDisorders.com.

#MHAMBC Migraine & Headache Awareness Month #18: Die Hard: “Now I have a machine gun. Ho, ho, ho”: Devise a make-believe weapon to blast Migraine/Headache Disorders out of your life.

June Migraine awareness month

My make believe weapon would be a Migraine/Headache Terminator Lazer. It would be devised in a super high-tech lab by the worlds leading scientists and perfected for use in a very short amount of time. It would be able to pin point the exact location on each person’s head that is causing the pain, and a low beam light would be shone on that area for a set amount of time until it indicates that nerve ending causing the problems has been erased completely to never come back and cause trouble again. This process would be repeated on all areas of each patients head, neck and shoulder area and they would have NO MORE PAIN!! It would wipe out this dastardly beastly Migraine Disease for good and can be used on all ages, because of course it’s a totally custom-made machine and can self-adjust itself to each and every person. Migraine Disease would be a disease of the past and would no longer exist causing pain and suffering to untold thousands of children and adults.

Hey, if your going to dream you might as well dream big.

Learn more about the MHAM Blog Challenge and 

Other MHAM events by visiting:

2013 Migraine & Headache Awareness Month Information Page

June, Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, is dedicated to Unmasking the Mystery of Chronic Headache Disorders. The Migraine and Headache Awareness Month Blog Challenge is issued by FightingHeadacheDisorders.com.