#MHAMBC Migraine & Headache Awareness Month #16:Riverdance: Have you found a way to work exercise or movement into your life with Migraine/Headache Disorder? What is it?

June Migraine awareness month

I have gotten behind on my blogging due to an extended Migraine cycle, so I am trying to catch up. Due to recent tragic events In the CMA Community, it is more important than ever to get the word out so that people understand Chronic Migraine Disease.


In the past I use to exercise vigorously and often. But then Chronic Migraine set in and became a daily nemesis, therefore cutting off my desire or ability to continue to workout the way I did. Hard physical exertion would make the Migraines worse. I did try Pilates for a while and it got to where I’d get all over body pain. Only to find out I had received late last year a diagnosis of FM. So exercise was a challenge although last year I got outside often and tended to my new flower garden.

My PCP prescribed PT for me this past month to try to help me work with instead of against the FM pain. I do need to lose weight as well, which is a side effect from all the toxic medication I’ve been on, especially the past few years. I have a chronic shoulder injury that looks like it’s turning into arthritis and a lot of problems with my neck and traction applied at PT by a therapist helps for a day and goes back to where it once was. I work on the NuStep, Elliptical, Treadmill for aerobics. Then the leg press, bench step, lat pull downs, tricep extensions, lateral extensions-thus far.

But the goal is to strengthen my muscles and increase my endurance and work around the pain instead of against it. If my Migraine is too bad one day I will have to skip and work out the next day and just add a few extra sets. But I’ve stopped punishing myself for missing and have made it a habit to be healthier. So my goal is to continue with PT and then stay there as a customer as they also offer a fitness center membership so I will be held accountable by having paid to go there so I must take advantage of it.

Learn more about the MHAM Blog Challenge and 

Other MHAM events by visiting:

2013 Migraine & Headache Awareness Month Information Page

June, Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, is dedicated to Unmasking the Mystery of Chronic Headache Disorders. The Migraine and Headache Awareness Month Blog Challenge is issued by FightingHeadacheDisorders.com.

#MHAMBC Migraine & Headache Awareness Month #15: Harry Potter: Write & name a spell for getting rid of a Migraine/Headache attack.

June Migraine awareness month

I have gotten behind on my blogging due to an extended Migraine cycle, so I am trying to catch up. Due to recent tragic events In the CMA Community, it is more important than ever to get the word out so that people understand Chronic Migraine Disease.

I love the Harry Potter Series. I have all the books and movies. The books were a great read. The movies were very entertaining. I was sorry to see it end though, but as all good things sometimes it must come to an end. Unless they have a sequel??

Hermoine was the best at making the spells and casting them, even though she was a Mugwart and not born in a family of wizards and mystical creatures. I’m not sure I’m spelling them correctly and my books are not handy to check. Of course my spell-check is gong wild on this one.

Migrainous  Finite Incantartem: Reverses the curse of the Migraine Disease Spell. Makes it go away.

Learn more about the MHAM Blog Challenge and 

Other MHAM events by visiting:

2013 Migraine & Headache Awareness Month Information Page

June, Migraine and Headache Awareness Month, is dedicated to Unmasking the Mystery of Chronic Headache Disorders. The Migraine and Headache Awareness Month Blog Challenge is issued by FightingHeadacheDisorders.com.